DINKY and CORGI (and many others) TOY Restoration Matchbox, Marx, Master Models, Matchbox, Meccano, Morestone, Prameta, Spot-on, Timpo, Tpby Toys, Triang, Wardie, Benbros, Britains, Crescent, Gilco, Kemlow, LEsney, Lledo, London Toy, Lesney, Lone Star, Etc. Resprays, repairs, rebuilds, boxes, catalogues.

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Latest Restoration in Progress: Dinky 139a - Ford SedanAll Restorations

Badly chipped paintwork but otherwise solid. The chassis and axles a bit rusty but recoverable. Strip down and respray.

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noimage noimage Remember those toys cars from your childhood, or perhaps your fathers or grandfathers toys. They are very collectable now even in poor condition. I have been restoring them to give them a new lease of life using basic tools. I am sharing some of my best tips and showing some of the restorations to help you do the same. The collections includes Dinky, Corgi and rare makes such as Toby Toys, Gilco, Gaity, Kemlow, Londontoy etc. Browse the Collection, view the catalogues, see the box and decal templates box reproductions Compare models in the extensive catalogue research page. Models from 1934-1970 are listed (and more being added). The most recent restoration is shown below