DINKY and CORGI (and many others) TOY Restoration Matchbox, Marx, Master Models, Matchbox, Meccano, Morestone, Prameta, Spot-on, Timpo, Tpby Toys, Triang, Wardie, Benbros, Britains, Crescent, Gilco, Kemlow, LEsney, Lledo, London Toy, Lesney, Lone Star, Etc. Resprays, repairs, rebuilds, boxes, catalogues.

Diecast Dinky Corgi Toy Car Restoration and Collection - restorationtips




The following pages show my methods of restorations and repair of diecast toys

There are probably a few things I do that are described in a way that I hope is straightforward and understandable. You are welcome to try these methods, share them, improve them, criticise them, but always have a go. Take your time, the end result is worth the time spent. If it all goes wrong, don't give up, have a cup of tea, go for a walk, and try again. I have had to remember these tips many times. I am happy to hear about what you have done, where you have got stuck, and by all means drop me a line, I am happy to help.

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